Not on

I want all done by the sharp end.

I have to get off the team,
I hate the team. No, I don't
want to be told care - to beam
to cope. I want to yell: "Won't!"
I want all on the sharp end.

I want all spiked on the sharp end.

Damn my damned manager who's
Filofaxless in the lift,
good on the team; minus news:
I want to create a rift,
to push him on the sharp end

(I want all spiked on the sharp end) -

my wit's demise, this, could be -
at the dull end where other
people piling up money
watch workers shirking down there
beneath us at the sharp end.

I want to raise up the sharp end.

Adam Reilly
Read by:

Adam Reilly